About me

Your coach Svetlana Novikova
Your coach Svetlana Novikova

Yes I know, you are excited!

And there is a reason why.
There is a reason you got in touch with me.

Here your journey begins!
Your journey to reconnect with your soul, your heart and discover your universe.

The center of your universe, YOU!
And make miracles part of your everyday life.

This page is all about YOU!

Let us begin...

I am a certified professional relationship and sexuality coach, expert of human energy, female energy healer, theta healing practice, producer, motivator, author.

My journey began Ten years ago.
Since then I have participated in seminars and master classes on the topic of human body and sexuality.
For the last 6 years I have created my own classes of tantra, sexuality and energy healing, to teach people to use their own energy in the different, more productive way to learn more about their own body and energy.

My dream is to use the knowledge I have accumulated over the years and educate people, from their teenage years, about thier body, sexuality, their evergy of sexuality and create a base for human happiness and freedom from stress, anxiety, psycological traumas and even depression.

Get your first Thirty minutes free session by just contacting me.

©Only by dissolving the darkness you begin shine more

No Matter How Good You Are at Anything A leader Makes You Better.

Do you want to take your life to another level?

Close the gap between where you are today – and where you want to be. My way of coaching is to empower you in becoming the Leader of your own life you want to be.

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Words of praise by my valuable clients.

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